The PPEdu develops its self-assessment process considering CAPES guidelines and the institutional policies undertaken by UEL. The Program's Self-Evaluation Committee has the following assignments:

  • Articulate with the Collegiate of PPEdu to propose guidelines, organization and development of the self-evaluation tasks;
  • Draw up the calendar for all self-assessment actions and inform the Collegiate of PPEdu;
  • Collect data and analyze the results of the Program's self-evaluation actions;
  • Propose evaluation tools for teachers and students;
  • Present, at the end of the school year, the results of the self-assessments carried out.

The PPEdu requests that faculty, students, and alumni access the forms to evaluate the actions developed.

Professor Evaluation Form:


Graduate evaluation form:


Student Evaluation Form:


(43) 3371-4071

Campus Universitário Cx. Postal 10011 Londrina PR 86.057-970 Brasil