PPEdu has social inclusion in school education and carries out community and academic activities reaching various social and cultural segments. This insertion has been expanded through knowledge transfer and the integration of different approaches. We highlight PPEdu's actions within social/artistic movements and non-school educational institutions.

The project "Place of experiences: preservation of the memories and stories of a building inhabited by student and artistic hope" deserves to be mentioned.

Among the results from this project is the book "Canto do MARL: narratives of a place occupied by student and artistic hope", published in 2019, which was funded by the Municipal Culture Incentive Program (PROMIC) and relates memories of the Student Movement and the Street Artists Movement of Londrina (MARL) about a historical, educational and cultural heritage of the city. This book is a basic reference for the educational and cultural workshops given by the street artists to the students of Londrina's schools.

To download the book, access:



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