PPEdu has several consolidated researchers, some of whom are CNPq research productivity fellows, leaders of research groups that nucleate and train researchers focused on school education and different educational modalities.

One impact is PPEdu’s hefty presence in the training, qualification and nucleation of pedagogical and administrative subjects in the Londrina and region's education system, as well as the presence of PPEdu graduates working in public and private higher education.

An action of academic solidarity by the PPEdu is its participation in the pool of PPGs in Education in the southern region of Brazil, involving UEL, UEPG, UEM, UNIOESTE, UNICENTRO, UFSM and UNIVALI. This cooperation, which has occurred since 2009, aims to collaborate with the technical, scientific and cultural development of joint projects of teaching, research and extension; enable access and use of available infrastructure in all entities; promote the exchange of teachers and students between programs.

Also worth highlighting is the Program's involvement with the performance and continued education in Basic Education and Higher Education, through courses, lectures, workshops, and workshops aimed at improving school education and human formation.

he PPEdu, through established partnerships, can offer MINTER (Interinstitutional Master's) and DINTER (Interinstitutional Doctorate).



(43) 3371-4665


Campus Universitário Cx. Postal 10011 Londrina PR 86.057-970 Brasil